Duck Duck Moose

where scat is not a four-letter word


Hikes I Like: Towell Falls

Last weekend we made our way out to Towell Falls, west of Spokane for some spring scabland hiking. Wildflowers around Spokane are in full force, and as we drove there we saw fields of lupine and arrowleaf balsamroot. So we were a little surprised when we didn’t see much at the trailhead and during the first part of the hike. Mr. A had to remind me that although the trail is on BLM land, it was formerly Escure Ranch. Decades of ranching change the land in many ways.

Family at Towell Falls, Escure Ranch, WA

It was windy heading in, but we had to stop and admire the balsamroot blanketing the hillsides.


There was a great overlook of the valley, so of course there was also an obligatory side kick photo (our Hapkido master jokes that any cliff with a great view demands it).

About a mile in we got out of the cold wind and began to see the fields of flowers and channeled scablands we had been waiting for.

I'm pretty sure this is Geranium viscosissimum, Sticky purple geranium. We also saw phlox, balsamroot, lupine, current bushes, and chokecherry.

I’m pretty sure this is Geranium viscosissimum, Sticky purple geranium. We also saw phlox, balsamroot, lupine, current bushes, and chokecherry.



What we did not realize (i.e., what I read on the hike description but somehow forgot) was that we would have to cross a creek to get to the area overlooking the falls. Yeah… let’s just say that what is probably a nice little rock hop later in the year is a bit more substantial during spring runoff. Like thigh-deep substantial. We hemmed and hawed and almost didn’t do it. But as we looked at the clock we figured we should at least give it a shot instead of hiking all that way and not seeing the falls up close. It was well worth it! Even when Sweet Bean slipped halfway across and got herself wet up to the waist 🙂 There were some yells of outrage at first, but the rest of the crossing went without incident. With her pants drying on a tree branch, she (eventually) laughed with us and enjoyed lunch overlooking the falls.


It was nice to try something new and get the kids out in the scablands before the weather gets too hot. We have a lot of favorite easy day hikes around Spokane, and I think I might add this to the list.

For directions and current hiking conditions check out the entry for Towell Falls on the Washington Trail Association website.